Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The secret identity of the tooth fairy

Joshua crawled in bed with me and Sophia this morning. He was already whispering up a storm when he came through the door. I motioned for him to be quiet- and he held out his hand and showed me all the quarters he had found under his pillow while grinning his toothless grin. "Look what the tooth fairy left me!" Sophia stretched out her hand towards him and made a happy noise- she loves to wake up to the sight of Joshua crawling in bed with us.

We ooohed and aahed over the handful of quarters and counted them several times. Joshua said, "How does the tooth fairy carry all that money? And where do you think she keeps all the money?"

I said, "I bet she has a bank account full of quarters." Joshua said, "yes- but how did she walk into the bank with all those quarters?"

I offered up, "Maybe she opened the account online, on the computer, so no one knew it was the tooth fairy."

Joshua said, "Yes, I bet she would have to use a different name so no one knew it was her, like Bobby Flay or something! Or maybe 'Porcini Boogaga!'"

To this Sophia said, "Yahhhhh! oogya oogya!" Oh, that clever toothfairy!

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